Sunday, March 7, 2004

A typical Boston night out

An irish guy tried to pick me up last night by telling me that I looked very attractive with my glasses on, and by singing me "Whiskey in the Jar." I didn't tell him that as a lifelong Boston-area resident, the latter tactic has been tried on me about once a month since puberty and I'm now immune. Also, he wasn't terribly cute. But I must say, I enjoyed the attention.

IRISH GUY: You must know, you're very attractive. Especially with the glasses.

ME: Oh, you start.

IRISH GUY: Let's see you with 'em off. Oh, lord! My heart! You're even lovelier without 'em.

ME: (Taking them away from him and putting them back on.) Yes, yes. They're for your protection.

And so on.

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