Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm Not Really on Hiatus

Via Googlism:

Googlism for: jen

jen is a badass
jen is 34"
jen is having fun with two men
jen is in the
jen is 11
jen is cool
jen is da man
jen is getting her backbone back?
jen is making me do this"
jen is dying because you
jen is the best
jen is an exceptional person who is to be worshipped and adored at all times
jen is something one learns rather than something one is born with
jen is 34 2000
jen is finishing up driver's ed
jen is in the background
jen is at it again
jen is the coolest person ever
jen is a loser
jen is the anit
jen is
jen is all smiles
jen is keen on stopping this
jen is an original glass artist working in and around melbourne
jen is a joe moreira black belt
jen is on hiatus
jen is connected to the following things


  1. Check it: Smash is

    smash is available for $14
    smash is a monstrous hybrid
    smash is a breakout clone
    smash is a major weakness with this type of game
    smash is a generous helping of guitar power
    smash is great for long journeys
    smash is a friendly club with an active social side
    smash is a very spoiled performance show horse

  2. All these things are true. Also:

    smash is almost agonizingly unplayable
    smash is a must have game
    smash is endorsed
    smash is one of red
    smash is currently in the late alpha stage
    smash is pure
    smash is in progress
    smash is high in the relevant
    smash is mess
    smash is a
    smash is mainly about not wanting to fit in in this crazy world we live in
    smash is the only genuine mixed signal
    smash is a memory
    smash is an awesome cd
    smash is played from
    smash is a high speed action game smash is a 3d table tennis game of fast reflexes and ultimate strategy
    smash is tight and punchy metal rock that respects its roots
    smash is a solid record
    smash is established
    smash is at
    smash is even better
    smash is a generous helping of guitar power
    smash is a witty battle of the sexes
    smash is the ultimate game

  3. seriously, it's amazing! endless internets amusement.

  4. I'm just waiting for the t-shirts that are sure to come of all of this Googlism madness: "eric is my lord and savior"
