Sunday, December 10, 2006

This Ain't My First Time at the Rodeo

I just cleaned my apartment for the gayest* reason ever. I was watching Mommie Dearest on Oxygen, and when Joan Crawford is torturing her daughter Christina by throwing Ajax at her and insisting that she scrub the already clean floor, I actually thought: "Jeez, I wish she'd send Christina over to clean my floor."

SCRUB, Christina! SCRUB!

* No, I'm not using "gay" as a pejorative. Cleaning because of Joan Crawford is gay, all right? It's gay. And therefore, great.


  1. Dad to fat kid on sofa: "Look at that Jackson boyu, all-state football player--you could beat him when you were 12."

    Kid: Bruce jackson is gay!

    Dad: Well, lookin that Schwartz kid--top honors in science, goin' to MIT--you used to tutor him in math!"

    Kid: Freddie Schwartz is GAY!

    Dad: At least you could be like McNulty's kid--band leader, plays jazz too--you took lessons for years!

    Kid: Dad, do I need to tell you...

    Dad: Now hold on son, maybe we're not on the same page--what is "gay" anyhow?

    Kid: Anyone who does anything I can't do is GAY!

    --Alfred E. Taupey, who has total photgraphic recall of a 1977 "Mad" magazine, yet can't remember phone numbers.

  2. that's like writing a novel while watching The Shining. (WHAT?)
