Friday, February 11, 2005

Day of a thousand posts

In the course of freaking out this morning over the past two day's posts and comments (see below), I diagnosed myself with a new disease. It is called OJO, and it stand for Obsessive Jen Overdrive. As of now, there is no treatment. However, unless I have a heart attack like a frightened chihuahua, I don't think it's fatal. Here are the symptoms:

1) Righteous indignation with little or no cause.
2) Obsessive contacting of all friends via phone, e-mail and IM to confirm that one is being unfairly criticized.
3) Once being told that one is, in fact, wrong, brief but wholly satisfying descent into self-recrimination and chastizement.
4) A plan emerges! Amends will be made! But first, a few organizational steps involving lists and office supplies, including but not limited to notecards, highlighter pens, and sharpies.
5) An apology suitable for the accidental annexing of another country and decade-long oppression of that country's people, rendered lovingly in PowerPoint, four-color handbills, a short film, or similar.

It's worth pissing me off, people, just to get the apology.


  1. i'm another one of those anonymous people who stop by for their daily dose of smash. rock on.

  2. This anonymous guy gets around alot. he used to come to my place too... I feel bad that their mother gave them such a name. how rude. :)
