Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP, Heath Ledger

Me: OMG.

Anonymous Friend:
I know. Heath Ledger is dead.

Me: No - dude, I found the apartment he died in.

A. Friend:

Me: Utilizing the power of the Internets. See?

A. Friend: WHOA.

Me: It must be right up there. Fifth floor. This is so freaky and sad.

A. Friend: I dare you to call up and ask if there are any apartments available.

Seinfeld didn't seem funny to me until I moved to New York, either. This kind of whistling past the graveyard only really works in a big mean city.

For reals, though, what a sad thing. The latest seems to be that the pills they found with the body were OTC sleep meds.


  1. And what a bargain at $23,000 a month! I could easily afford it.

  2. I know! Cheap.

    BTW, in my head I now call you "Yoy." For you are me-hee-can these days.

  3. Don't get me started. Me-hee-cans can't pronounce my name for shit. And then I have to spell it out in espanol, which is not exactly second nature for me. I think I might just change my name to Margarita.

  4. Link is down. Guess an Olsen or a Spears already moved in.
