Thursday, May 5, 2005

Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone!

Enjoy this fine holiday, which is Based on Real Historical Events, by drinking about elevendy-hundred shots of tequila and reading my latest contribution to the Black Table.


  1. You should post pictures of your drunk Mexicans.

  2. Christine M. ParizoMay 5, 2005 at 9:12 AM

    Woo, Cinco de Mayo! Despite living three and a half hours from the border, I never did make it to T.J. Even though, you know, what happens in T.J. stays in T.J.

    Bueno! Hasta la vista! (That's all I remember from H.S. Spanish. Pathetic, ain't it?)

  3. Happy Cinco de Mayo! the drunk mexican theme is so much more inventive than the duct taping theme, or the ramdom objects from the arround the kitchen theme, and especially more mature than penis on the forehead written in permanent marker theme;). I hope you have a great time out tonight, be sure that I'll be shaking my maracas at 3:00 am you time tonight. Adiose!

  4. Once again, great job. I love the "good luck with the abortion" part. Hilarious.

  5. I hope poor Jenny didn't have too much tequila last night.
