Monday, February 20, 2006

My Mother is No Longer Allowed to Watch Law & Order

Lenny Briscoe: Any idea where Tito was on Saturday?

Tito's Girlfriend: He hangs out at the park. On Chrystie and Houston.

Ma Smash: JESUS.

Oh God.

Ma Smash: That's across the street from your house!

Me: Ma, it's a TV show.

Ma Smash: Is it dangerous there? Tell Mummy the truth.

Me: NO. It's not dangerous, there, OK? It's Disneyland. With more Chinese people.

Dad: Ha, ha! Thanks, Law & Order.

Ma Smash: Just think: Tito's been in the park this whole time!


  1. omg, did you just tell us where you LIVE?? that shit is like GOLD to creepy internet stalkers like me!

    the Internet knows where you live! don't tell ma!

  2. You just mind your own business, Dr. Dave, or Ma will stalk you! I bet you're not really a doctor at all!
    Ma Smash
