Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Ma Smash: Remember when I told you that you had albino hepatitis?

Me: Ha! Yes.

Ma Smash: I think it made the blog.

Me: Yes, it did.

Ma Smash: I used to make the blog all the time, but I don't make the blog anymore.

Me: Oh my GOD.

Ma Smash: I just don't think I'm as funny as I used to be.

Me: Look ... no. I haven't been good lately. I've been busy at work.

Ma Smash: Sigh. Well, I'm not thinking of me, you know. I'm only thinking of Eric.


  1. I always love conversations of you and Ma Smash!! I can always visualize, teehee!

  2. I'm very sorry I didn't see this when it was first posted - tell Ma Smash I appreciate her consideration very much, because a day without hearing of your conversations with her is seriously like a day without sunshine.
