Wednesday, October 5, 2005

A Very Special Episode of 'Jennie Smash and Fennec Fox'

If I had one of these, I would dress it up in a little coat and parade it around the East Village. We would go on adventures together, and meet people, and discover the true meaning of life. At the end of every episode, I would tell it what I've learned. It would all be very moving. The end.


  1. Since City law forbids exotic animals as pets your parade might be short-lived. Being accosted by an animal control officer would be an adventure, however, and undoubtedly very moving in the sense that obtaining a parking ticket is very moving.

    Leaving reality behind I could add to your vision by confabulating it with the intro to the Mary Tyler Moore show: how high do you think you could throw your delightful little fox?

  2. Would an animal control officer really look twice at your little fox? I mean, at first glance, it could be just a very small dog, or even a cat. I think that's why I like it so much. It looks very much like a cross between the two.

  3. It looks like it can hear into the future.

  4. I want a pet fox! I'd put it in a box and feed it lox. I'd even make it wear a pair of socks. Then it would bite my hand because I kept talking like Dr. Seuss.

  5. Christine M. ParizoOctober 6, 2005 at 8:56 AM

    So cute! Awwww!

  6. Caryn: it'd bite you because you'd keep trying to put sox on its feet; quite a few relatively domesticated cats wouldn't put up with that kind of girly stuff. To help me resist the urge to add even more rhymes ("jocks, box, macaques") I'm going to revert to the MTM vision:
    "Jen's going to make it after all!!"

  7. foxes are SOOOO 2004. what you should want(if you had any taste in creatures) is a possum. a hissing, bald tailed possum.
