Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Fix

You guys, my company has it in for me, and here's how I know: Every single time I try to make a date, they plan an event involving drinks right before it. I have to think my managers' puckish senses of humor are involved in this somehow. Last time, I turned up for my date about 2.5 sheets to the wind and 15 minutes late. So, so classy.

Anyway, I am going out this evening after work to wish a coworker goodbye and I am going to have one drink. Are you listening? ONE DRINK.

Sigh. I don't believe me, either. The date's with a musician, though, so that should be fine, right? Musicians love drunk girls.


  1. They do it's true. It's when you're roommates with a musician and he starts inviting drunk girls over the house, at 3:00 in the morning and then you find out that they are all about 17 years old that it starts to become a problem.

  2. Dates, eh? Does this mean the "Profiles of Honesty" is working?
