Monday, August 8, 2005

The Joys of Apartment Living

My next-door neighbor was having sex this morning. I know this, because one whole wall of my apartment was shaking. As I live in a pre-war building, and the walls are quite thick, this is impressive. Less impressive? The walls shook for, oh, about two minutes. Throw him back, lady.

ETA: My roommate in college used to call out reviews to our upstairs neighbor, whenever she had company. A random sampling:

"Throw him back!"

"Aw, c'mon, man, throw out your A-game!"

And finally: "That's the one! He's a keeper!"

I should really look her up. She was fun!


  1. Hey, maybe he had an appointment to get to. Trains and buses have a strict schedule. They wait for no orgasm.

  2. Poor excuse. If you don't have time to get the girl to her destination, don't wake her up for the ride, if you know what I mean.

  3. Maybe it was all about her...and she was satisfied in two minutes? Perhaps she was happy getting to her destination, and didn't want him to keep on driving?

  4. Scene: Jenny, furiously types on her blog about the sexcapades of her neighbor.

    Pan through the wall: We SEE her neighbor, furiously hammering the wall, a new mirror leaning against the chair she stands on.
