Thursday, September 2, 2004

Rage ... boiling...

Oh, how dare they. How dare they show a montage of presidential photographs and put John F. Kennedy in with Bush? What was the theme? Presidents who stole elections? I'm going to kill someone. Oh. God. It's like I have prickly heat. My skin has come right off my body and it's waiting for me out in my car like forgotten dry cleaning. I'm going crazy. I won't live through the RNC. Send help. So angry. Oh.

1 comment:

  1. Of course they use pictures of JFK, what are they going to brag about? Republican Presidents?

    Every Republican administration since Coolidge has had a major recession or depression during or within 4 months of the end of their term in office. Only one Democratic administration has started a recession (Carter) and that was caused by OPEC in collusion with US Oil Companies controlled by Republicans.

    The only President to resign in disgrace (Nixon), and the only President (Ford) to Pardon a felonius Constitutional Officer.

    Control of the Congress when the only two Presidential impeachments were billed: both on purely political, clearly unconstitutional grounds (Johnson and Clinton).

    The average wage of the new jobs created in the last two years was $22,000. The average wage of the jobs lost overseas in the same time period was $52,000. The average tax savings for a US company to earn untaxed income overseas as a result of moving these jobs: 35% (of an estimated 97 billion dollars.)

    The only major US Party ever to be convicted of drugging an opponent (LSD given to VP Candiate Muskie by the Dirty Tricks division of the Re-Elect Nixon committee).

    The Party of General-Presidents: Grant (a popular, but total inept alcoholic who's buds were all convicted of malfeasance) and Eisenhower (who let the Red-baiting Republican-controlled "Unamerican Activities" witch hunts run their course while presiding over five.. count them.. five recessions in eight years (53,54,55,56-57,58-59.) (Two longest periods of virtually inflation free growth were under Democrats, Kennedy and Clinton.)

    But of course, this doesn't apply to Bush II because he didn't show up for duty, during time of war, mind you, for 1.5 years.

    The Motto of the Grand Old Party: "We snark the electorate by using the tactics of Hitler (The Big Lie); we snark the political process by using the tactics of Stalin (Assassinate our Opponents), and snark the world by using the tactics of Ghengis Khan (hell, we can so we do, dammit, 'cuze their ain't any threat coming from a burning city. Burn 'em while they are young, they can't grow up to be terrorists.)

    The Republican Party, like the Catholic Church in Boston, should be prosecuted as a criminal enterprise under the RICO acts.
